Why Now?

Why am I now deciding to blog about infertility, a year and a half into treatment?  I know, I know…I’m kind of late to the party here.

I’m honestly not sure.  I know I get a great deal of comradery reading everyone else’s blogs.  Twitter has become my home base for support and interaction throughout this journey and I am so grateful I wandered into such a wonderfully supportive community.


I think maybe I can (hopefully) add a little to the conversation.  Or, maybe I just need this for myself.  A place to express more fully how I am feeling that those 140 character twitter limits just can’t contain (I am quite verbose at times…).

Anyway, since I am not new to the world of infertility, I guess I have a lot of catching up to do.  I plan on presenting my history in the next few posts (I actually kind of have two interweaving timelines, I guess you could say).  After that, who knows where I’ll go?


Much love!!!

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